James V Hodgson

Player ID29498
First NameJames V
Last NameHodgson
User ID0
Player listsIsle of Man
ClubIsle of Man (7IOM)
Local Rating0
Local Rapid Rating0
FIDE Code448931
FIDE FederationIOM
ECF Rating Code (links to rating system)302261E
Membership Number (from rating list)ME007029
Membership CategoryGold
ECF Standard OTB August1528K
ECF Rapid OTB August1285K
ECF Standard OTB September1528K
ECF Rapid OTB September1285K
ECF Standard OTB September Old1530K
ECF Rapid OTB January1293K
ECF Standard OTB January1528K
ECF Rapid OTB Monthly1291K
ECF Standard OTB Monthly1530K
ECF Rapid OTB Latest1286K
ECF Standard OTB Latest1530K
FIDE Standard1668
FIDE Rapid0
FIDE Blitz0