Meltham v Huddersfield

Examiner League Wed 24th Apr 2024   Verify
1 (W) 1663 (1803)
Robinson, David
1 - 0
Telukuntla, Sai Pavan
1698 (1708)
2 (B) 1698 (1688)
Mitchell, Robert
0 - 1
Frank, Colin
1700 (1636)
3 (W) 1485 (1537)
Oldfield, Robert
1 - 0
Faham, Hamidreza
1599 (1584)
4 (B) 1365 (1391)
Robinson, Ben
0 - 1
Noonan, Dylan
1300 (1472)
5 (W) 0000 (1300)
Secker, Paul
0 - 1
Rojinsky, Mark
1471 (1474)
6 (B) 0000 (1688)
Jones, michael
0 - 1
Kilmartin, David
1490 (1473)
Handicap1 - 0
Total62113 - 4Total9258

Last update Steve Westmoreland Thu 25th Apr 2024 14:02. Reported by Steve Westmoreland Thu 25th Apr 2024 10:58. Verified By


One point penalty applied on Meltham as a consequence of incorrect clock set up and subsequent game disruption. This is applied at the request of Meltham and does not set precedent for future league decisions.

NB Captains are defacto arbiters without the presence of a league Arbiter.

OK I originally added the requested deduction to last nights game as requested. However, this has been questioned as it material impacts the league. This means I can look further and thank you Sai for the chat. In terms of what happened and the board in questions:
1. Rule infringements: These were not called out at the time, so are not counted.
2. The clock was not set for increments. FIDE 6.10 applies. Stopping the clock, adding time in and setting increments was the correct thing to do by the rules. No infringement.
3. Multiple resets (three more) after this, did bring distraction but as not done maliciously does not count under FIDE 12.6. I think Sai was well within his rights to have a draw agreed at the point but the game went to completion.

I was highly tempted to 0-0 this game but this is not covered in the rules. I have further consulted two arbiters on this (one who has never seen anything like this in 20 years) and they agree. Consequently there are no grounds to penalise Meltham (who requested the penalty) and the game stands at 4-4 as per the result.

*Right to Appeal* I am making this decision as the defacto Competition Controller. HDCA have a Committee that can overrule. Greg, Dave C and Roger. As Dave is in this chat, please start the ball rolling with him if you wish.

Please note I am also doing a H'cap check.

Handicap recorded at two, which is incorrect. Amended to 1 and Huddersfield take the game. Difference is 520.

Meltham Huddersfield
1 1663 P 1698
2 1698 K 1626
3 1485 P 1599
4 1365 P 1475
5 1400 est 1471
6 1200 est 1462
8811 9331