Submit / Verify Oddities

(1) Verify Tab is really a Verify Button

A few times in previous seasons, and once already since our restart, I've managed to unintentionally verify a match result.

I think this is a UI/UX issue. My expectation is that something that looks like a tab will behave as a tab, and not as a button. But when viewing a match card, if you attempt to go to the verify tab, it turns out that the merely clicking on the tab name is enough to trigger verification. The tab name is behaving as a button.

Now, I'm not sure that a verify button is a bad thing, but that button could simply be on the "Enter Match Result" tab. Alternatively, make it a real tab, with a match card that can't be edited and a button at the bottom for verifying the result. I think I'd prefer it weren't a tab at all, but a button on the main tab that's enabled when the captain of the opposing team has already entered a complete result.

(2) Enter Match Result - When one is already entered

A few times in previous seasons, rather than using the verify option, I've found that users have had difficult finding the verify option. So instead, even when not making any amendments, they end up clicking the "Submit Match Result" button. This has the effect that although the same match result has been entered twice it's never been verified and that the first entry even happened is lost. I think when one captain has entered the result already, it would make sense for the other captain (or event owner) not to be able to submit it again unless they edit it first.

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