Code efficiency and maintainability improvements

speed up fixture load by caching event query in a static.
decommission unused blocks
make events into entities
make sure it is not possible to create an individual event with no player list.
remove direct access to club node edit, or make club an entity (with the google map field as a field on it)
sorting player list by rating does not work - because the L cat is a string, and need unrated to be zero.
If someone changes the special fixtures setting to 2 matches after fixture creation it gets confused.
consider putting the drupal cron functions as drush commands so they don't time out?
do some instructions for another software developer.
organisation owners can update club owners which affects the access in another organisation. Is this right?
The Player list option based on CAT F grades doesn't make any sense as they are not being loaded any more.
Remove the online hacks and JSON file generation.
Seasons marked as Old don't get picked up for rating, so if you mark them Old too early games would be missed.
submission number add on field is redundant.
Should the LMS have a version number?
Club name is the node title and is therefore fixed after creation in LMS even if renamed in rating system. Should LMS be allowed to have clubs that don't exist in the rating system ??
Database issues: Thames Valley League has orphaned league_competition and league_fixture table entries due to a user delete error where all their content was removed. Huddersfield club events point to pids in the huddersfield org because they were moved badly to their own player orgs - only affects old events.

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