Filtered HTML - Allowed Tags

To help users beautify the various bits of content they can edit (such as the "Display" page for their organisation), it would be nice to have access to some extra styling options.

The most obvious one is that I'd like to be able to use the various "heading" tags (h1, h2 ... h6). Perhaps the existing site styling would make this problematic. The main thing is that I'd like to change text size for headings so they didn't have to be the same size as all the other text. Maybe if adding support for heading tags isn't an option, something with the same effect is ?

I wouldn't be at all surprised if I found myself wanting more if/when the above is implemented, but I can see going further creating security issues.

I have enabled h2,..h6. The list of tags which is available should be displayed somewhere like it used to be.

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