Dragons v Lancaster 'A'

League Tue 26th Oct 2021   Verify
BoardHomeDragonsLancaster 'A'Away
1 (W)
Wolnik, Nikodem
0 - 1
Hymer, Barry J
2 (B)
Donegan, Harry
1 - 0
Walsh, Richard J
3 (W)
Verden, Jonathan
1 - 0
Bland, Lawrence
4 (B)
Madhani, Hindh
0 - 1
Bolton, Will
Total02 - 2Total0

Last update Lawrence Bland Thu 28th Oct 2021 09:53. Reported by Lawrence Bland Thu 28th Oct 2021 09:53. Verified By


bhymer's picture

In the opening league game, the Dragons gained a good draw. Five players played their first game in the league, including young Nikodem Wolnik - a very promising talent. With our welcome influx of new players this season we're still in the process of establishing relative strengths, but are keen to maximise opportunities for club representation in matchplay games. Chief criteria for selection will be enthusiasm and availability. In this match between our A and B team there were fine wins for Harry in a Vienna Game in which Richard got a passive position early on which it was difficult to recover from, and a pretty finish for Will against Hindh. Jonathan played accurately to convert an advantageous R & P ending against Lawrence, and Niko made a few minor errors, which told over time.