Highcliffe A v Wimborne A

DCL Div 1 Mon 13th May 2024   Verify
BoardHomeHighcliffe AWimborne AAway
1 (B) 2069
Jenks, C Bruce
1 - 0
Adaway, William
2 (W) 2077
Forster, James Connor C
½ - ½
Clark, Ian C
3 (B) 2022
Westrap, Christian F
1 - 0
Cleland, Nathaniel J
4 (W) 1839
Ursell, Richard W
½ - ½
Culleton, Steve E
Total80073 - 1Total7597

Last update Richard Ursell Mon 13th May 2024 23:27. Reported by Richard Ursell Mon 13th May 2024 23:27. Verified By Ian Clark Tue 14th May 2024 08:33


This was not your typical end of season match, Highcliffe significantly higher graded ultimately delivered a win , but Wimborne can count themselves unlucky as all the games were very close and unclear throughout. Great watch for the neutrals. This result means Weymouth and Poole will now contest the title, good luck to both. Thank you Wimborne see you all again soon , best RU

Thanks to Highcliffe for an interesting evening of chess.
On board 1 Bill had a good game against Bruice and attempted breaking through with a sacrifice opening up the king but eventually Bruce defended well and ended up a few pawns up to win.
On board 2 James looked like he had trapped my rook but I fortunately found a combination to keep a very fluid position and then I swopped off a pair of rooks when should had kept on board and was lucky to find a way to draw a queen and pawn ending.
On 3 Nathaniel tried to attack on king side with his queen but was a bit lonely and Christian won a piece and eventually the game.
Steve seemed to have a very strong position but pushed his passed pawns too early and both him and Richard were happy with a draw.
A good season for Wimborne despite generally being outrated.