Bournemouth C v Bournemouth B

B&DCL Div 3 Wed 12th Apr 2023   Verify
BoardHomeBournemouth CBournemouth BAway
1 (B) 1698
Jackson, Paul A
0 - 1
Schumacher, E James
2 (W) 1700
Aris, Lindsay P
1 - 0
Meyer, Thorsten
3 (B) 1596
Errington, Paul T
0 - 1
Miles, Daniel
4 (W) 1200
Ghose, Azhar
0 - 1
Avci, Adem
Total61941 - 3Total6808

Last update Daniel Miles Wed 12th Apr 2023 23:11. Reported by Daniel Miles Wed 12th Apr 2023 23:11. Verified By Paul Errington Thu 13th Apr 2023 09:07


dmiles's picture

An interesting match. Both teams were short a player and the majority of reserves were on holiday or unavailable, so we had two new players to div 3 playing on board 4. This match was the first to finish, as Adem was playing tricky and laid a trap that Azhar unfortunately fell in. The other 3 games were much more tight. Board 2 was very interesting as Lindsay sacrificed a piece it seemed though a few move later he had won it back though down a pawn, but his intiative was crushing. Poor Thorsten looked dizzy at the end of his game. The other two games went down to the wire. On board 1 Paul was down the exchange but up 20+ minutes on the clock, with James down to his last 5 minutes. You felt it could go either way as a result and Paul hung on for dear life, until James found a really nice tactic that trapped Paul's knight. Finally board 3 was left. It had been a very positional and closed game until Paul crashed through. He looked to have the edge but miscalculated and was then down a pawn. This eventually became the deciding factor in a bishop vs knight endgame as Paul's bishop could not stop both passed pawns. Final score 3-1.