Southbourne C v Bournemouth D

B&DCL Div 4 Fri 28th Oct 2022   Verify
BoardHomeSouthbourne CBournemouth DAway
1 (B) 1597
Arorash, David
½ - ½
Matthews, Stefan
2 (W) 1593
Harris, John E
0 - 1
Ackerman, Tony
3 (B) 1561
Sandy, Paul
1 - 0
Darke, Alex
4 (W) 1527
Vann, Anton
1 - 0
Hilton, Brian
Total62782½ - 1½Total5882

Last update John Harris Fri 28th Oct 2022 23:12. Reported by John Harris Fri 28th Oct 2022 23:12. Verified By Tony Ackerman Sat 29th Oct 2022 12:10


First to finish was Anton. He was winning when Brian fell into a position where he was mated by a pawn and a knight.
Second to finish was John. During the opening Tony managed to fork a knight and bishop with a pawn and following this john could not do anything right. A passed pawn pushed down the centre and with a queen stuck on the queens side for a lot of the game, it meant that he never recovered.
Third to finish was Paul. A really good game. Paul swapped off his final final rook and when Alex took back the rook with an overworked queen Alex lost an unprotected bishop and could not recover from the loss.
Last to finish was David. For a long time he was a pawn down, with a Queen against 2 rooks. He managed to get into a position where he had a perpetual check on Stefan's king and as the match was 2-1 in Southbourne's favour they agreed a draw. With best play, David had winning chances, but it was not clear. Thanks Brian and his team for a good match.

Thank you to John and Southbourne chess club for their hospitality last night. A good night of chess, with Stefan and Alex making their league debuts for Bournemouth against a strong home team I'm sure the experience will prove beneficial as the season progresses.