Preston 3 v Preston 4

Division B Wed 26th Oct 2022   Verify
BoardHomePreston 3Preston 4Away
1 (B) 1763 (1824)
Willow, Hambel M
½ - ½
O'Mara, Paul
1662 (1690)
2 (W) 1413 (1495)
Kerton, Becky
0 - 1
Aspden, Danny
1698 (1600)
3 (B) 1503 (1526)
Daune, Joss P
0 - 1
Szydlowski, Sebastien
1647 (1657)
4 (W) 1450 (1399)
Harlow, Curtis
0 - 1
Parton, Jonathon
1450 (1719)
Total6129 ½ - 3½Total6457

Last update geoff pennington Thu 27th Oct 2022 10:06. Reported by geoff pennington Thu 27th Oct 2022 10:06. Verified By Jonathan Parton Wed 11th Jan 2023 22:57


Preston`s two Div B teams started their seasons with this emphatic victory for Preston 4.
First to finish was Board 3 where Sebastien, employing his trademark Larsen`s opening (1. b3) developed sensibly, gained control of the open c file and won the game with a clever tactical flourish.
On Board 4 Jon severely disrupted Curtis` pawn structure in the middle game, add your comments, Jon.
On Board 1, Hambel, a very welcome recruit to Preston this season, was playing Paul who needs no introduction. In an entertaining game Paul had gained queenside space. When the queens came off a tactical melee involving rooks, white`s two bishops and black`s two knights resulted in an endgame of black rook v white bishop but crucially white had a pawn on the seventh rank protected by the bishop and a draw was agreed.
On Board 2 Becky and Danny battled away in a game that swung one way then the other. In the middle game white was a piece up but black`s major piece pressure on f2 regained the piece. The queens came off leaving a notoriously tricky double rook ending.
Congratulations to Preston 4 and good luck for the season.

On Board 4, Black avoided the Smith-Morra by transposing into the Alapin (3…Nf6). A slight mistake by White allowed Black to disrupt the kingside pawns, but the match was ultimately decided by a blunder allowing Black to go into an endgame a piece up. White still provided some stubborn resistance, until the dark-squared bishop was able to get around the back of the White pawns.