Wimborne A v Poole A

B&DCL Div 1 Wed 15th Nov 2023   Verify
BoardHomeWimborne APoole AAway
1 (B) 2115
Pleasants, Allan J
1 - 0
Waddington, Mike P
2 (W) 2001
Adaway, William
½ - ½
Lee, Nicholas S
3 (B) 1997
Clark, Ian C
½ - ½
Duggan, Michael FG
4 (W) 1786
Cleland, Nathaniel J
0 - 1
Weatherlake, John P
Total78992 - 2Total8238

Last update Ian Clark Thu 16th Nov 2023 08:48. Reported by Ian Clark Thu 16th Nov 2023 08:48. Verified By David M Fuller Thu 16th Nov 2023 19:45


Thanks to Nathaniel for coming in at very last moment.
The match started quite late but my match against Mike did not last long as a Sicilian resulted in an early queen swop and Mike had a positional advantage but offered a draw and I had to take it!
On board 2 the queens also came off and was a battle of the minor pieces but neither player could find any weakness in their opponents position and a draw was agreed.
On top board Mike seemed to have a dominant position with a big attack on the kingside with Allan struggling to get out his queenside pieces. In the meantime Nathaniel was playing ( as he does ) a very enterprising game and John fell into a clever sacrifice giving Nathaniel a better ending. At this stage Poole looked likely victors but top board then exploded with Allan giving up a Knight for 2 pawns but his remaining pieces suddenly became very active and they sprung forward and Mike could not hold the game with Allan forcing resignation.
On board 4 looked like was going to be a draw but unfortunately Nathaniel played one weak move resulting in John obtaining a passed h pawn which could nt be stopped.
An excellent match and probably the right result.