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Wimborne C v Highcliffe C

B&DCL Div 3 Wed 10th Jan 2024   Verify
BoardHomeWimborne CHighcliffe CAway
1 (B) 1786
Cleland, Nathaniel J
½ - ½
Smith, Matthew P
2 (W) 1766
Pollyn, Stephen M
1 - 0
Manson, Andrew
3 (B) 1758
Hillman, Graham
0 - 1
Salinger, Neil
4 (W) 1727
Mallon, Stuart
1 - 0
Kageler, Susan
Total70372½ - 1½Total6610

Last update Graham Hillman Wed 10th Jan 2024 23:00. Reported by Graham Hillman Wed 10th Jan 2024 23:00. Verified By Rob Davenport Mon 19th Feb 2024 11:30


A good evening's play by both Teams with 3 of the Games 1-2&4 being very unbalanced and exciting to watch . The 1st to finish was Steve's board 2 game where he'd managed to get his opponents King out of cover . Eventually the position of Andrews King was too difficult to hold with the Queens on the board . My game wasnt so exciting with control of the C File being the main tustle and trying to keep white marauding Black Bishop from attacking stranded A&B Pawns , eventually the Queens came off and White Black Bishop did the damage . Board 4 was an exciting affair with unbalanced play where both players had good chances. Eventually Stuart got 2 passed Pawns rolling and this proved decisive . The last game to finish was board 1 where again a very unbalanced situation made it hard to see or understand who had the advantage , The game was getting into the marathon stages with Nathaniel having a double central pawn + Knight vs a King and Rook . It looked hard for White to win and eventaull after move 83 they agreed a draw giving the match win to Wimborne . In all a good evenings play by both Teams and thanks to Highcliffe for making the Journey on a dark cold January night - g

amanson's picture

Thank you Wimborne for hosting an exciting evening of Chess, Stephen got an advantage in the opening, and I burned too much time getting back to equality, after which I was chasing the game, and Stephen played precisely to get the advantage. Neil's game on board 3 looked even for most of the match, but he deployed his minor pieces well to get a pawn and positional advantage to win the endgame. Matthew won the exchange early on, but Nathaniel battled back well winning 2 pawns and ending with a doubled pawn and Knight vs Rook endgame which ended in an 80+move draw. Susan and Stuart fought a close positional battle, with connected passed pawns winning it for Stuart.
Wimborne ended worthy winners in an enjoyable evening.