Ringwood B v Poole C

B&DCL Div 3 Mon 29th Jan 2024   Verify
BoardHomeRingwood BPoole CAway
1 (B) 1812
Ormesher, Richard
1 - 0
Fretwell, Ellis
2 (W) 1670
Day, Malcolm
1 - 0
Joyce, Tim
3 (B) 1605
Davenport, Robert
½ - ½
Camopy, Leo
4 (W) 1590
Wykes, T Alan
½ - ½
Kulkarni, Harshal
Total66773 - 1Total6607

Last update Rob Davenport Tue 30th Jan 2024 07:33. Reported by Rob Davenport Tue 30th Jan 2024 07:33. Verified By Andrew Matko Wed 31st Jan 2024 17:47


BuzzLightSquare's picture

A close match between 2 evenly matched teams: Ringwood players were on average 18 points (2 ½ points in old money) higher than their Poole counterparts (nothing really) and all games were hard-fought. Richard and Ellis’s game was the first to finish. I didn’t see anything of the game, but the final position looked as if both players had gone toe to toe with a sudden knockout. My game with Leo started as a fairly calm Scandinavian and got progressively calmer with every piece exchange until, with a locked position, we agreed a draw. Allan started his game against Harshal’s Phillidor with a pawn donation (it’s a new gambit) on the 3rd move. Despite this, he regained material equality and built up a promising position, before that too fizzled out to a draw. That left Tim and Malcolm’s game. With Poole needing a win to draw the match, Tim felt obliged to decline Malcolm’s offer of a draw. Spectators were treated to a thrilling final game, with Malcolm going ‘all in’ and throwing everything but the kitchen sink into a kingside attack that took advantage of Tim’s time trouble and finally crashed through to win.
Thanks to Poole for a great evening of competitive chess played sportingly and we look forward to seeing you again at your home venue.

I missed this match, so thanks for the great report. Not surprising that Tim's game was the last to finish ... that is his reputation! Well done to Ringwood.