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Bournemouth F v Poole F

B&DCL Div 5 Tue 7th May 2024   Verify
BoardHomeBournemouth FPoole FAway
1 (B) 1391
Ghose, Azhar
0 - 1
Sanderson, Tony
2 (W) 1355
Darke, Alex
½ - ½
Kulkarni, Harshal
3 (B) 1332
Hilton, Brian
1 - 0
Milea, Dragos
4 (W) 1315
Lindsay, Greta
½ - ½
Bailey, Stephen
Total53932 - 2Total5851

Last update Azhar Ghose Tue 7th May 2024 23:18. Reported by Azhar Ghose Tue 7th May 2024 23:18. Verified By Steve Bailey Tue 7th May 2024 23:31


There were concerns raised this evening by Poole F which I will highlight with the appropriate persons and see what we can do to ensure that the situation can be improved for future tournaments.

The key issues were :

1. Insufficient working or suitable working clocks were available for use.
2. Board 3 , had to play on an inferior quality chess board that had no file and rank markings and the folding split cut across the ranks to where the pieces were set up. The player on Board 3 was considerably upset by this.
3. The venue in that part of the room was dark and insufficiently lit and made it difficult to see particularly for Board 4 with a visually impaired player and for those with good vision.

The above and other issues not mentioned above were compounded by the fact that there were two other League teams matches being played at this venue at the same time and the venue and the Bournemouth Chess Club equipment were inadequate to accommodate such numbers.