Highcliffe C v Poole C

DCL Div 3 Mon 5th Feb 2024   Verify
BoardHomeHighcliffe CPoole CAway
1 (B) 1747
Trach, Thomas
0 - 1
Fretwell, Ellis
2 (W) 1700
Smith, Matthew P
1 - 0
Joyce, Tim
3 (B) 1408
Richards, Joshua
1 - 0
Kulkarni, Harshal
4 (W) 1246
Ursell, Dan
1 - 0
Burt, David F
Total61013 - 1Total6247

Last update Thomas Trach Mon 5th Feb 2024 23:03. Reported by Thomas Trach Mon 5th Feb 2024 23:03. Verified By


ttrach's picture

A very decisive match. Top of the table Poole C face battle ready Highcliffe C. I was the first game to drop for Highcliffe putting my team under tremendous pressure. But endurance and inner strength would be the key to this battle. Dan Ursell of Highcliffe was able to convert his exchange into decisive win on board 4 that leveled up the score. This was soon followed by Highcliffe's junior hero Josh Richards who manged to get a past pawn on the far side of the board and exchange the pieces off to secure his victory. Finally a deep and truly complex battle was taking place to decide the fate of the night on board 2 as Tim held a Rook, Knight and six pawns to Matt's two Rooks two pawns (once of which was on the 5th rank). Tim was ticking and after some decisive over the board plays and with only 10 seconds left on his clock Matt forced Tim's King against the edge of the board and delivered checkmate. A thriller to the end. Well played Poole C and Congratulations to my team Highcliffe C in this legendary comeback Victory!!!