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Purbeck v New Milton B

B&DCL Div 4 Thu 2nd May 2019   Verify
BoardHomePurbeck New Milton BAway
1 (B) 133D
Stout, Nicholas B
½ - ½
Disney, Stephen
2 (W) 118D
Quin, Richard W
0(def) - 1
Belinger, John
3 (B) 084D
Frost, Chris
½ - ½
Bown, Simon
4 (W) 084C
Stanley, Paul
0 - 1
Nutu, Mihail Puiu
Total4191 - 3Total485

Last update Paul Stanley Fri 3rd May 2019 00:02. Reported by Paul Stanley . Verified By Stephen Disney


Well done New Milton on winning and staying top of div 4. Purbeck had to concede board 2( no show), but fighting draws in two of the other games gave us some respectability.
Many thanks to Poole chess club for letting us use their venue again.

In a highly entertaining evenings chess, entertaining being the operative word in more ways than one more of which later, New Milton beat Purbeck and maintained their lead at the top of the table. Purbeck unfortunately were put at an immediate disadvantage due to a member of their team failing to arrive. Board 1 were the first to finish and although Nick was a pawn to the good at the beginning Steve produced a strong counter-attack and after a rapid exchange of material shook hands on a draw. The two remaining games were pretty tense affairs with Mihail eventually overcoming Paul, whilst Simon, who at one stage was on course for a comfortable win, could not repel some enterprising play from Chris who gamely held on for a draw. Midway through the evening in a room where you could hear a pin drop, with maybe the only noise coming from the cogs turning in the players heads, there came from an adjoining room the unmistakable sound of a bugler in full flow. In his rendition of 'The Last Post' I believe he may have slightly over imbibed with many notes being just a little off-key! However the tense filled atmosphere was lifted for a few seconds and indeed produced a few smiles on some serious faces. Many thanks to the Poole club for letting us use their venue as a 'halfway house '.