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Highcliffe v Poole Knights

Bacchus East Mon 15th Oct 2018   Verify
BoardHomeHighcliffePoole KnightsAway
1 (B) 085D
Howell, Roger D
0 - 1
Rowbotham, Harry
2 (W) 082B
Jenkins, John H
0 - 1
Little, Zack
3 (B) 081C
Richardson, Rachel
1 - 0
Williams, Samuel
4 (W) 064C
Pawley, David
1 - 0
Bailey, Matthew
Total3122 - 2Total0

Last update Tarik Reghif Mon 15th Oct 2018 23:31. Reported by Tarik Reghif . Verified By michael richard tew


treghif's picture

Thank you to our hosts for an excellent opportunity for our young players to sample life in the league in such a hospitable club.

Zack was up against John who played the lethal King's Gambit. It proved to be very lethal but in the wrong way. Taking the bait of a Knight left a hole for the Queen to slip in and set up a mate for black. An early point for Poole which started us in a great position.

Matthew played a good game but a couple of loose moves left him down on material which was difficult to fight back from.

Harry had a topsy-turvy game with a pin on his Queen to Rook ending up a few moves later as two minor pieces for a Rook. A superb endgame allowed Harry to convert 2 past pawns into a won game.

Samuel was playing against Rachel Richardson who played a solid pawn wall which made it very difficult to pick weaknesses to attack. Eventually advantages told and Rachel ground through the win.

Overall a 2-2 draw against a very experienced team that play some solid chess. Well done to the juniors who conducted themselves well and done the club proud.