Federico Rocco

Player ID53849
First NameFederico
Last NameRocco
User ID0
Player listsWarwick University
ClubUniversity of Warwick (2WUN)
Local Rating
Local Rapid Rating
FIDE Code431362
FIDE Federation
ECF Rating Code (links to rating system)283704D
Membership Number (from rating list)ME016862
Membership CategoryGold
ECF Standard OTB August2184K
ECF Rapid OTB August2209K
ECF Standard OTB September2184K
ECF Rapid OTB September2188K
ECF Standard OTB September Old2192K
ECF Rapid OTB January2210K
ECF Standard OTB January2177K
ECF Rapid OTB Monthly2203K
ECF Standard OTB Monthly2167K
ECF Blitz OTB Latest2060P
ECF Rapid OTB Latest2203K
ECF Standard OTB Latest2167K
FIDE Standard2163
FIDE Rapid2086
FIDE Blitz2181