Southampton Chess Club - New Players

These players have no ECF code specified, or the ECF code they have is not valid (possibly it has changed). Pick to search for them in the ECF list

NameECF CodePlayer List
Lewis Adams0Southampton
Savil Ahmed0
Patrick Brewer0Southampton
Frazer Burlinson0
Samuel Chifamba0Southampton
Dariusz Ciechocinski0Southampton
Richard Farrar0
Sanjeeva Fernando0Southampton
Edward Finbow0Southampton
Thomas Gilbride0
Sean Hayes0
Richard Larg0
Jack Leary0
Max Marshall0Southampton
Phillip Mupfeka0
Jake Raven0
Emma-Jayne Scott0
Lech Stronias0
Marie Taylor0Southampton
Harrison Thorne0Southampton
James Ursell0
Greg Willett0
Karol Zboch0