Preston 3 v Poulton 2

Division B Wed 29th Mar 2023   Verify
BoardHomePreston 3Poulton 2Away
1 (B) 1503 (1526)
Daune, Joss P
1 - 0
Rogers, Simon N
1694 (1685)
2 (W) 1450 (1595)
Lee, Junho
½ - ½
Bennett, Nigel
1450 (1405)
3 (B) 1450 (1317)
McCombe, Guy
0 - 1
Filmer, David
1450 (1442)
4 (W) 1450 (1286)
Wilson, Kieran
0 - 1
Singer, Matthew
1450 (1324)
Total58531½ - 2½Total6044

Last update Malcolm Peacock Fri 31st Mar 2023 08:46. Reported by Malcolm Peacock Fri 31st Mar 2023 08:46. Verified By


On Board 4 Preston`s new player was Keiran Wilson making his debut. Black won material giving Matthew a confidence-boosting first win.
On Board 2 in an endgame with white R and N v black R and B the knight was lost and it looked like , if the pawns went that we could have a R and B v R ending which would have been interesting - a theoretical draw but according to Keres "often needlessly lost" but instead the bishop was lost and a draw resulted, neither player deserved to lose.
On Board 3 Guy was another debutant. Black allowed White to win the exchange in a queenless middlegame and although battling to create threats with his pawns the rook was too strong for the bishop on an open board.
On Board 1 Simon told me that in response to the Pirc he launched the Austrian Attack. Joss merely licked his lips with the appetite of someone contemplating a slice of sachertorte in a Viennese coffee house. As the conflict flared across the board Joss deployed his forces with the acumen of Napoleon at the Battle of Austerlitz . Finally White`s king was chased across the board like Harry Lime in the Viennese sewers in The Third Man.
It was a pleasure to welcome Simon and his team to Preston. A good match.