Southbourne D v Wimborne D

B&DCL Div 4 Fri 3rd May 2024   Verify
BoardHomeSouthbourne DWimborne DAway
1 (B) 1562
Sandy, Paul
½ - ½
Hillman, Graham
2 (W) 1481
Lane, Chris D
0 - 1
Mallon, Stuart
3 (B) 1477
Dixon, Ken
0 - 1
Young, Simon
4 (W) 1400
Foley, Chris
1 - 0
Bourne, Will
Total59201½ - 2½Total6740

Last update John Harris Fri 3rd May 2024 22:51. Reported by John Harris Fri 3rd May 2024 22:51. Verified By


Chris Lane and Ken both lost a piece early on in their games and finished early on. Chris Foley managed to get a piece up and fought well to make the advantage pay. Paul and Graham had a hard game and eventually agreed a draw as the match did not affect the relegation/promotion in division 4.

syoung's picture

Belated match review of our final game of the season. Very much as described by John. There was nothing riding on tonight’s game and I felt that I could just play.
On board 3, I think Ken made a mistake when we had a major trade off of pieces that allowed me to come out a bishop up. We swapped off a few more pieces, until one of my pawns made it to the seventh rank.
Stuart’s game was similar, I saw he was a bishop up, with pawns only on the board. Once Stuart had gotten his king among the pawns, he managed to increase his material advantage and Chris resigned.
A tougher games for Will, almost a reversal with Chris being the minor piece up. Again this proved decisive and Southbourne had their first win.
The final game to finish was on board 1, Graham and Paul slogged it out but the game was going nowhere, so a draw was agreed.
So we managed second, which is really pleasing. Well done to Poole for getting the top spot. See you all next season.