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Leyland 1 v Preston 3

Division B Tue 16th Nov 2021   Verify
BoardHomeLeyland 1Preston 3Away
1 (B) 1653 (1731)
Moffatt, William J
½ - ½
Pennington, Geoffrey
1765 (1754)
2 (W) 1660 (1674)
Hart, Robert
1 - 0
Soames, Chris
1263 (1293)
3 (B) 1518 (1543)
Hughes, Steve G
0 - 1
Slater, Jonathan
0000 (1673)
4 (W) 1105 (1102)
Key, Geoff
0 - 1
Rokowski, Aleka
0000 (1670)
Total59361½ - 2½Total3028

Last update Steve Hughes Tue 16th Nov 2021 23:11. Reported by Steve Hughes Tue 16th Nov 2021 23:11. Verified By


A closely fought match.
On Board 1 after my inept handling of the opening I fought back into a lively middle game but both Bill and I were feeling the stress of competitive chess after the long lockdown and were happy to share the point.
On 2 a level game was decided when Rob gave a back rank check forcing Chris`s king onto a square which was vulnerable to a deadly pin.
On 3 newcomer Jonny faced veteran Steve. Smart tactics based on Bh7+ gained Jonny the advantage but Steve fought back to equality in the rook endgame only to go astray after the rooks were off.
On 4 Alek produced a pretty queen for rook sac allowing a pawn promotion and was therefore a rook up.