Clive R Bowley

Player ID91885
First NameClive R
Last NameBowley
User ID0
Player listsNone
ClubIsle of Wight (7IOW)
Local Rating
Local Rapid Rating
FIDE Code445401
FIDE Federation
ECF Rating Code (links to rating system)104016K
Membership Number (from rating list)ME046253
Membership CategoryGold
ECF Rapid OTB August1832P
ECF Rapid OTB September1834P
ECF Rapid OTB January1834P
ECF Rapid OTB Monthly1834P
ECF Standard OTB Monthly1932P
ECF Rapid OTB Latest1834P
ECF Standard OTB Latest1932P
FIDE Standard0
FIDE Rapid0
FIDE Blitz1899